من نحن

The Business Incubator is a unit at Center Of Excellence at Palestine Polytechnic University based in Hebron West Bank Palestine and it was launched at the beginning of the year 2010 What started as a technology based physical incubator facility, now offers business services to Palestinian entrepreneurs especially in Hebron who have mature concepts for unique and innovative projects in various fields assessed to have strong market potential.

Aiming to develop Palestinian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as well as tackle growth model sectors in order to generate new jobs, attract foreign investment and improve the economic situation in Palestine.

In an effort to support the graduated people in our university to becoming dynamic participants in the global spread, adoption and utilization of projects with tangible results, Our incubator assists entrepreneurs to commercialize their ideas by designing, developing,  implementing and promoting those startups that will support the growth of entrepreneurial business ventures by providing them with an integrated package of business services aimed at generating lively enterprises.

Forging strategic partnerships with local universities, local and international non-profit organizations, PPU Incubator is able to exchange technical know-how, develop best practices, mentor graduates-to-be, developed mentorship programs, organize activities and boot camp events, gain donor funding, as well as utilize existing access to international networks.


We working on creating a mental image of success in front of young entrepreneurs to develop their ideas to establish of small and medium enterprises in their early stages and market it.  So The Business Incubator aims to assist technology entrepreneurs to commercialize their ideas by designing, developing, implementing and promoting those initiatives. Support of the development of entrepreneurial business ventures is done by providing startups with an integrated package of business development services that will nurture and encourage the commercialization process and enhance the development and growth of dynamic enterprises including micro, small, medium and high growth models.


With political uncertainty and severe economic conditions continuing to severely impact the ability of Palestine’s Business sector to gain access to markets for its goods and services, specific actions in the design, development, and implementation of entrepreneurial support at the infrastructure level is needed to overcome these impediments.

Specific objectives that are to be implemented, of which the core elements include;

  • To support novice entrepreneurs and students at the earliest stage of technological entrepreneurship and enable them to implement their ideas by turning them into commercial products
  • • Form a productive business ventures in Palestine and outside.
  • • Identify and leverage regional/international investors and financial institutions to fund innovative ideas in the riskiest stage of their development
  • • To provide entrepreneurs and students with physical premises, financial resources, tools, professional guidance, and administrative assistance.
  • • Stimulate research, innovation, and creativity students, graduates, technicians and staff at PPU and other universities in Palestine .
  • • Help in creating jobs for university graduates.
  • • Assisting existing Palestinian firm’s access to regional markets.
  • • Helping non-ICT industry sectors integrate ICT into their business operations.
  • • Creating promotional and marketing strategies.
  • • Creating and nurturing relationships with development organizations in order to cooperate on joint economic development initiatives.